Sunday, December 16, 2012

Back for more!

I don't know what got into me but I've decided to blog again to pen down my thoughts. I realized Twitter isn't the perfect place for me to express myself, not if I wanna flood everyone's timeline. :D

It has only been 5 months since I last blogged but it seems like the longest time ever! In fact, I do miss blogging but at times I run out of ideas and my schedule has been really packed recently. As for now, since I have the luxury to do so, and since I'm also having my weekends off, and since I've got nothing much to do too, I'm here to share about my current ongoings.

To start off with, my current read. :)


This is definitely one of the best books I've ever read. (minus the erotic scenes that's portrayed in the content). M18, I can say, but it leaves you to all sorts of imagination.

Now, talking about work, it has been smooth-sailing for me. I love how my days are occupied with work, and slowly.. I'm turning into a workaholic. As some of you may know that H&M has already open its second branch at Ion, and that I've recently just got promoted and undergoing my managerial training, what more can I ask for. Too good to be true huh, but it is!

Then, work aside, it's all about travelling. Thinking back, I've actually been to a couple of places this year and I'm really glad I got the chance to. Feels great to visit different places and get to sightsee and learn a bit about the country.

In Year 2012 alone..

Genting from 17/2/12 - 19/2/12
Taiwan from 17/5/12 - 23/5/12 (1st trip!)
Bkk from 30/6/12 - 3/7/12 (1st trip!)
KL from 16/9/12 - 14/10/12
Batam from 8/12/12 - 9/12/12 (1st trip!)

I'm actually looking at going to visit more countries the upcoming year- Korea & Australia as my priority now. Well, that just means I gotta save up more. Definitely not forgetting the saving plans my mum got for me which I'll be entitled to a huge sum of money in 15 years time, with 2.2k yearly cashback of every year after the 2nd year. That just means more money to travel! Korea & Australia, HERE I COME!!!

Also, I'm recently taking up my driving lessons (finally!) after procrastinating for a good 3 years. The last time I checked, I did my driving lesson in year 2009 and I've stopped ever since. I've this really bad habit of having a short attention span and I'll get bored after awhile, which hopefully I don't anymore.

& last but not least, my poor old Vaio is dying already. It's more than 2 years now and I'm thinking of investing in a good one. Guess what! I'll be getting a MacBook Pro for myself! Just another good reason to get myself a laptop since xmas is around the corner. :D

photo (1)

And what I'm currently looking forward to is my 13th month pay + a good getaway to somewhere near in mid January!

Most importantly, I hope everyone's doing fine and here I am wishing y'all...


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