Sunday, January 6, 2013

#ootd Day 8-12

It's yet again another #ootd post.


p/s: Which do you like best?

On a brighter note, I've booked a ticket to BKK on the 1st to 4th February. It's my second time to BKK and I can't get enough of shopping the first time I went there. Probably because I went Taiwan a month before the trip and the price is almost the same.

Not forgetting that I've been sticking to my resolution very closely. I need to inculcate a lot of discipline in me to follow strictly to the standards I've set for myself. Hopefully this would be useful to train myself, and of course, change for the better.

It's a short entry cause nothing much actually happened in my life, other than having to watch Les Miserables yesterday which was kinda interesting- the plot and the musical aspects of the show. If you're a fan of literature or arts, it's recommended that you should grab a ticket before the show's out.

Have a good & safe night readers :)

p/s: I'm starting to like what I'm doing. 

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